
If you are interested in building partnerships with the Centre for Social Sciences, please send an email to

The Centre for Social Sciences (CSS) is the flagship research institute of social sciences in Hungary. It conducts disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the areas of sociology, political science, computational social science, network science, minority studies and legal studies using the latest scientific methods and high-quality research data. CSS Budapest is dedicated to building collaborative, trans-disciplinary research networks both within Hungary and internationally.



The Centre for Social Sciences is not operated as a public interest fund and is not affected by the EU Council rule of law conditionality decision linked to Erasmus and Horizon Europe funding. We are able to participate in proposals and receive funding in both of these EU funding programmes without any restrictions.


Our expertise offers (click on the links for the expertise offer documents):

Cluster 1 - Health

CSS Centre for Family Studies

Zoltán KMETTY, Computational Social Science

Cluster 2 - Culture, creativity and inclusive society


Kitti MEZEI, Institute for Legal Studies, Artificial intelligence, big data and democracy 

Boldizsár SZENTGÁLI-TÓTH, Institute for Legal Studies, Politics and governance in a post-pandemic world 

András PAP, Institute for Legal Studies

Jekateryina DUNAJEVA, Institute for Political Science

Eszter NEUMANN, Institute for Minority Studies

Mónika PAPP, Institute for Legal Studies


Selection of our international research projects: